BUJINKAN ISRAEL NINJUTSU IN Holon ISRAEL Videos and Articles about Bujinkan Ninjutsu |
Video: Ninjutsu – Working with the 3 feet Stick (Hanbo Jutsu).
Video: Ninjutsu – Tai Jutsu - working with empty hands.
Video: Ninjutsu – Bujinkan Israel and Sweden Cooperation - Basics.
Video: Ninjutsu - a Seminar about Ju Po Sessho. Length: 294M, exact name: 'Bujinkan Israel 2003 Ofer Cohen seminar Ju Po Sessho martial arts'. Please download it with a tool such as Emule.
Video: Interview in the Israeli Educational TV in Hebrew. Length: 480M, exact name: 'Bujinkan Israel Ofer Cohen Martial art interview01 Heb'. Please download it with a tool such as Emule.
About Dr. Hatsumi Sensei Ninjutsu book: History and Tradition .
Ninjutsu – the Martial Art of the Ninja.
Ninjutsu – Introduction to the 3 foot stick.
(08.10.2003) NEW! - 06.06.2004
Ninjutsu and Women - first part. (09.09.2001)
Why Ninjutsu is highly suitable for women!
Ju Po Sessho - first Article. (24.03.2003)
Ju Po Sessho - Second Article. (05.04.2003)
Ninjutsu – A multi attackers approach. (08.10.2003)
An Interview with Lenka Vostova a Ninjutsu martial artist from Czech. (28.09.2001)
Danger assessment questionnaire. (12.03.2004)
Ninjutsu and Women - second part. (09.09.2001)
The Kunoichi - The Ninja Woman.
Ninjutsu and Women - third part. (09.09.2001)
Women in the 21-century: Some difficulties, the challenge and the art of Ninjutsu as a possible solution.
Body intelligence - Introduction. (21.12.2001) (Being Translated - coming soon)!
Go Dan Test. (18.06.2003) Chapter 78 in my book Tai Chi and Other treasures
Not To be a Victim. (24.05.2003) (Being Translated - coming soon)! Ofer Cohen practices Bujinkan Ninjutsu for more then 22 years and received in February 2003 6Dan degree from the Soke Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi Sensei in Japan. In 2006 Ofer recieved 8Dan from Dr. Hatsumi Sensei. His Premier Ninjutsu teachers in Israel are Shihan Danny Waxman (15Dan) and Doron Navon, Dr. Hatsumi's direct disciples, and the two out of three first foreigners (the third is Mr. Quintin chambers) that actually learned with Dr. Hatsumi Sensei. Ofer also learned with Dr. Hatsumi Sensei, and with his disciples Shiraishi Sensei, and Senoh Sensei, Nagato Sensei and Noguchi Sensei. He was also a student of Sensei Ilan Gattegno one of Doron Navon first students. Ofer Also learns Let-go Judo from Sensei Danny Waxman. He is a certified instructor of Martial Arts - Wingate institute of Physical Education, and currently holds MA degree in Philosophy, and BA in Computer-Science and in Psychology. He is 44 years old, living in Tel-Aviv area, right now in Ramat-Gan. Ofer teaches Ninjutsu, Self defense for women and Chen Style - Tai-chi chuan in Tel-Aviv area; offering regular annual teaching and focused workshops such as Juppo Sessho, or using everyday objects for self-defense and more. Contact Information: Shidoshi Ofer Cohen, 10Dan 972-3-6731288 052-8809109 ofer999@013.net You are welcome to join our Ninjutsu E-mail list. |